Friday, July 17, 2009

Top Ramen Ten

The ten greatest things about the meal I've enjoyed the most frequently on my little excursion.

1. I can put it in my empty peanut butter jar to pre-soak and when I cook the shrimp flavor it tastes like thai peanut noodles.

2. It soaks up all the past meals I've had in the pot. Potatoes, tuna, powdered eggs, chocolate pudding, ramen reawakes their zombie goodness. It is a journey down memory lane every time ramen is on the menu.

3. I can add the ramen spice to my beans and rice for an artifically-flavored international zest to my dull, bland all-american patriotism meal.

4. When I stumble back to my hostel in town after getting drunk on two beers! My emergency supply of Ramen sponges the alcohol in my stomach.

5. You only cost 17 cents per bag at colorado wal-marts.

6. Try crunching dry ramen. Its not very good. But it works when you're short of both water and cooking fuel.

7. If I have an open wound, I can rip open a ramen spice packet and the artificial flavoring also acts as a disinfectant. (Probably, haven't tried this yet).

8. When I am sitting at a campsite, reading my copy of Goethe's Faust, my blackberry sitting next to me while shoveling ramen into my mouth, people have no idea what to think.

9. When attempting to get a hitch, hold an empty Ramen noodles package upside down.

10. Help! I don't have one. It's lightweight? It's cliche for backpackers to carry Ramen? I'll think of another one.


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